Friday, June 7, 2013


That kid that gave stuff to wikileaks.  He should not be killed, of course not.  But he should be jailed...perhaps for the rest of his life.  you know...if you worked for APPLE and had run out to the New York Times to tell all the stuff that went down ...and continues to go down...these APPLE people crying their taxes are too high, would have prosecuted you to the full extent of the law which would probably include incarceration and or re compensation as well.

But we, my American friends, we are in the business of War.  And one of the bi-products of war, it may shock you to death.  And death without rationale even. 

Unless we say, finally, no war.  None.  None. like the Swiss.  One must understand that we are going to do things which will ultimately kill those undeniably innocent.

As my uncle once would say after I was taking my time:  Either Crap or get off the Pot.

If this kid gave away secret information.  Information at which level he had been cleared.  If he really cherry picked and chose specifically what stuff to give to wiki leaks, if he was editorial and mainly provided the damning... any business would sue him.  Given that there was the, if even trivial, possibility of making Americans less safe (which it undoubtedly did, if only by flaming the fires of jihad) that kid should be in prison until breath has left his body and let that be known to those who have signed on to defend this country and would consider doing what this guy did.

It costs to do the right thing.  Make no mistake.  People should know that.

They should also know that it is still often so the better choice.

Ultimately, if Manning feels in his heart that he did the right thing, then he should also find contentment in his interminable incarceration for such an act and be happy for his life.

D Fenn

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