Thursday, July 12, 2012

Do You Have Dome Envy

What Do State Capitol Workers Earn?

Ever notice how very few Windham politicians go on to bigger and better things in Hartford? John Lesco was the last local to go and make a name for himself and our town.  We don't grow a lot of state or national; material out here in Windham.  The second way to get to the state capitol is via an appointment.  You don't have to possess intelligence nor work skills but you have to know somebody.  No way will you find these jobs in the want ads nor an application at the local job fair. 

One former Windham councilman has made it big under the rotunda. D'Ann Mazzocca, the administrator who oversees operations at the Capitol, Mazzocca, her title executive director  makes sure the parking lots are plowed, the floors are shinny and the correct color toilet paper is in the restrooms.  For this her salary is $187,000.00 yearly.  $37,000 more then the governor, $12,000 more then the chief justice.

A majority of capitol employees are classified as caucus workers. They can be staffers ranging from higher-paid attorneys and policy analysts, to media aides and other office employees.They assure that capitol business flows smoothly. Responsibilities include; making coffee, cleaning up spills. sharpening pencils and cutting  articles out of newspapers and pasting them into scrapbooks.  Those with more seniority get to run the copy machine 

Scroll down, pick out those  you know.  I picked out three people with ties to Windham.
If your're not impressed re-scroll and add $45,000.per person, average.  Can't forget the benefits.

Ken Dixon's Blog-O-Rama

Ken Dixon's Blog-O-Rama

Connecticut politics is a contact sport

Capitol $alary envy 2012. Here’s what everyone is making.

Here’s the Blogster’s annual listing of Capitol employees and salaries, released under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act..
Acosta, AdrianCapitol Police Officer        57,126
Adams, Christopher RCaucus Employee        91,128
Adams, TerranceAssociate Legislative Analyst        62,527
Alderucci, PaulManager (ITS)      105,228
Alfonso, AmandaCaucus Employee        35,000
Allo, Jacquelyn MSenior ITS Analyst        96,327
Antinerella, FrancesOffice Technician        45,041
Appleton, TimothyCaucus Employee        41,504
Arnold, Mary EvelynLegislative Analyst II        60,413
Ashburn, Christine M.Chief Legislative Analyst      120,740
Askham, PatriciaCaucus Employee        39,330
Axson, JamieCorporal        58,517
Ayala, Antonio CCaucus Employee        66,910
Ayers, Neil A.Principal Legislative Analyst      119,004
Bacewicz, LukeCaucus Employee        39,000
Baird, DavidCaucus Employee        52,500
Baltimore, RichardCaucus Employee        75,000
Bannister, HeatherAssociate Legislative Attorney        78,739
Barry, John N.Caucus Employee        60,579
Barter, JeffreySergeant        65,503
Bartolomeo, MelissaPrincipal ITS Analyst      100,217
Bazinet, JamisonCaucus Employee        47,000
Beccaro, William PCaucus Employee        60,045
Beckman, DavidSenior ITS Analyst        84,759
Beisel, BrianPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Berlyn, Dina BCaucus Employee        75,000
Bermudez, MichaelCapitol Police Officer        51,706
Berner, Bree M.Caucus Employee        97,700
Bernier, JenniferAssociate Legislative Analyst        97,256
Blancato, AllisonCaucus Employee        36,954
Blanchard, Deborah ASupervising Committee Administ        75,453
Blaney, ThomasCaucus Employee        35,000
Bonhomme, PeninnahCaucus Employee        34,894
Booth, Pamela B.Committee Administrator        70,010
Bordieri, AnneLegislative Analyst        50,632
Bouchard, Diane M.Senior Office Technician        53,858
Bowsza, JasonCaucus Employee        37,920
Boyle, TimothyCorporal        58,517
Breiner, KirstinCaucus Employee        34,894
Breslin, KatherineCaucus Employee        44,000
Brett, Phyllis H.Caucus Employee        77,000
Breyan, MaureenLegislative Secretary        40,359
Bruetsch, JohnSecurity Technician        45,184
Buchanan, Linda SCaucus Employee        65,242
Buckley, MelissaCaucus Employee        76,590
Buffington, Deborah ICaucus Employee        76,742
Calabrese, ChristopherCaucus Employee        40,000
Calandro, Alan P.Director,OFA      147,215
Caliendo, DianaSupervising Editor        83,888
Cardone, ClarisaSenior Legislative Secretary        48,546
Carillo, ChathamCaucus Employee        55,562
Carlisle, Elouise MServices Officer        75,396
Caron, JacquelineCaucus Employee        54,275
Caroti, Robert LSenior ITS Analyst        87,996
Carroll, Anne BrennanChief Legislative Attorney      120,974
Carson, JamesCaucus Employee        55,000
Cassidy, Karol OPayroll/Personnel Assistant        59,280
Cassis, Glenn A.Dir,African-Amer Affairs Comm      106,200
Castillo, MichellePrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Chaffee Jr., Donald J.Principal Legislative Analyst      112,064
Chaput, JohnCaucus Employee        39,713
Chen, DukeAssociate Legislative Analyst        62,527
Chiara, AdamCaucus Employee        35,000
Cicero, GeorgetteCaucus Employee        42,298
Clark, Ann MPermanent Assistant Clerk        93,790
Clark, SarahCaucus Employee        42,500
Clarke, MareeCaucus Employee        50,057
Coatta, NancyCaucus Employee        50,000
Cody, BrettCaucus Employee      105,475
Cogswell, GreggCaucus Employee        42,000
Cohen, RobinPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Collazo, MartaCaucus Employee        43,671
Colon, MiriamSenior Legislative Secretary        53,858
Conlin, CatherineChief Legislative Analyst      143,648
Connery, Eric N.Facilities Engineer        96,327
Conroy, ElizabethSenior Legislative Secretary        46,055
Conroy, ValerieCaucus Employee        83,000
Cook, LawrenceCaucus Employee        71,576
Cordima, ChristopherAssociate Legislative Attorney        81,495
Covey, ElizabethLibrary Assistant        53,858
Cronin, Michael JCaucus Employee      112,500
Cullinan, CourtneyCaucus Employee        68,500
Daly, Mary AnnCaucus Employee        49,399
D’Angona, AuroraCaucus Employee        35,000
D’Auria, BryanClerk’s Office Assistant        45,263
Davis, GreggCaucus Employee        58,677
DeLorenzo, Anita*Calendar Clerk        30,289
Deschenes, PeggyCaucus Employee        90,252
DeSorbo, Ann-LouiseJournal Clerk        67,604
Diaz, ReymundoCapitol Police Officer        57,126
Dilworth, DanielLegislative Analyst        50,632
Diorio, ChristopherCaucus Employee        45,000
Donovan, ArthurChief Legislative Attorney      143,648
Dooley, JohnCaucus Employee        51,500
Douglas, RobertCaucus Employee        76,324
Downes, MichaelCaucus Employee        70,000
Doyle, DanCaucus Employee        34,894
Drew, JosephFacilities Project Manager        65,616
Driscoll, ScottCapitol Police Officer        55,462
Driscoll, SusanCaucus Employee        42,136
Drummond, DeniseSenior Legislative Secretary        53,857
Dube, NicoleAssociate Legislative Analyst        81,495
Duffy, MaryellenPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Dwyer, KatherineLegislative Analyst II        60,413
Effren, JackieCaucus Employee        42,500
Eigo, GervacioSenior ITS Analyst        89,759
Evarts, MichaelCaucus Employee        77,189
Fede, Rebecca HPrincipal ITS Analyst      100,217
Feinmark, RussellCaucus Employee        63,174
Feole, Rino G.Senior ITS Analyst        96,327
Ferrari, MarkCaucus Employee        50,408
Ferruggiaro, ElizabethLegislative Analyst II        62,527
Figueroa, JohnnyCaucus Employee        59,906
Figueroa, Nellie A.Caucus Employee        61,953
Finnegan, Mary ESupervising Committee Administ        83,888
Fitzgerald, JillCaucus Employee        36,000
Fleming, Yvette D.Caucus Employee        68,578
Fletcher, Christopher M.Caucus Employee        50,400
Flood, Kevin**Information Officer        73,787
Forte’, Sandra D.Senior Executive Assistant        75,396
Forzano, Frank ABill Clerk        60,286
Fournier, KelleyCaucus Employee        33,000
Frisman, PaulPrincipal Legislative Analyst      110,247
Fritz, WendyCaucus Employee        46,742
Fryxell, ChristopherCaucus Employee        45,000
Furlow, AndreaCaucus Employee        35,000
Gallo, GeorgeCaucus Employee      149,000
Galvin, Donna GSenior ITS Analyst        96,327
Ganzman, TatyanaSenior ITS Analyst        88,196
Gavigan, Teresa SCaucus Employee        69,782
Gellman, Christina G.Principal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Genovesi, AlexanderCaucus Employee        34,650
Gerratana, GregoryCaucus Employee        35,000
Getsie, Dorothy JCaucus Employee        65,000
Giannaros, ElizabethCaucus Employee        36,032
Giansanti Jr, James E.Capitol Police Officer        51,326
Gilgosky, RichardSecurity Technician        45,184
Giorgio, AudreyLegislative Secretary        38,994
Gjede, EricAssociate Legislative Attorney        81,495
Goicoechea-Hernandez, LuzseleniaSpecial Projects Coordinator        88,855
Goldschmidt, Melissa P.Caucus Employee        57,838
Gonzalez, Jose DanielAssistant ITS Analyst        64,067
Goodwine, MichaelCaucus Employee        43,542
Gorborino, James EITS Analyst        72,930
Gordon, SubiraCaucus Employee        40,000
Gould, ChristineAdministrative Assistant        42,377
Grabka, AlfredSenior ITS Analyst        89,329
Graesser, ChristinePrincipal Legislative Analyst      102,619
Graham, EllenCaucus Employee        36,000
Gray, EricAssociate Legislative Analyst        62,527
Grayson, LoriStaff Assistant        67,604
Greene, KennethDirector,ITS      130,820
Greenfield, JeffreyCaucus Employee      116,223
Gresko, JosephCaucus Employee        43,000
Grimes, LindsayCaucus Employee        35,000
Grise, JulieCaucus Employee        57,999
Grotheer, LaurenceCaucus Employee        65,896
Guilbert, KellieCaucus Employee        36,516
Hajdasz, StephenLieutenant        81,385
Hammersley, LisaCaucus Employee        92,500
Hammon, Paula M.Chief ITS Analyst      113,521
Hamzy, William A.Legislative Commissioner        42,067
Hanratty, Jr., RichardSenior Legislative Attorney      102,619
Hansen, LeeLegislative Analyst II        60,413
Harnick, JohnFinancial Administrator      128,931
Heagney, Robert W.*Caucus Employee        60,001
Healey, John JCaucus Employee        78,000
Hemingway, SarahCaucus Employee        35,000
Henry, Beverley MSupervising Committee Administ        75,820
Higgins, GarlandCaucus Employee        48,845
Higgins, Katelyn ACaucus Employee        56,897
Highter, RobertSecurity Technician        45,184
Holbrook, SarahCaucus Employee        70,000
Holleran, Lena A.Caucus Employee        62,443
Holstead, JosephPrincipal Legislative Analyst        90,356
Homer-Bouthiette, Dawn**Principal Legislative Analyst      101,630
Horan, JaniceSecurity Technician        45,184
Horsky, KathleenCaucus Employee        35,000
Hubbard, BarryCaucus Employee        38,125
Hubbard, JesseCaucus Employee        50,000
Huertas, EvelynSenior Executive Secretary        56,388
Hughes, Mary AliceCaucus Employee        51,341
Hutton, Deborah LCaucus Employee      144,000
Jalbert, DanielChief ITS Analyst      113,521
Jensen, JillChief Legislative Analyst      143,057
Johnson, StevenSenior ITS Analyst        83,641
Johnson-Martin, LuwanniaCaucus Employee        38,000
Jones, DarcyCaucus Employee        38,004
Jones, GordonSecurity Technician        45,184
Jordan, Laura J.Caucus Employee      150,000
Joseph, AdamCaucus Employee        97,002
Joseph, Alice AClerk’s Office Assistant        48,883
Kacerguis, Matthew J.Sergeant        76,322
Kaminski Leduc, JanetSenior Legislative Attorney      102,123
Kane, BrittanyCaucus Employee        35,000
Kaplan, DavidCommittee Clerk        36,401
Keane, SusanSupervising Committee Administ        83,888
Kehoe, Timothy B.Permanent Assistant Clerk        82,300
Kelly, RobertCaucus Employee        38,004
Kelly, Theresa A.Senior Legislative Secretary        53,858
Kenneally, KatherineCaucus Employee        47,427
King, ZofiaAdministrative Services Coor        67,604
Kiro, Lisa M.Staff Assistant        67,604
Kluger, MiriamPrincipal Legislative Analyst      114,473
Knight, JasonCaucus Employee        42,852
Krautler, Patricia A.Caucus Employee        69,717
Kruczek, TheresaSenior Legislative Secretary        46,983
Kubeck, DianeCaucus Employee        45,000
Kula, MaryStaff Assistant        61,128
Labbadia, Bonnine TExecutive Secretary        59,280
LaChance, AmyAssociate Legislative Attorney        66,073
Larson, AndrewCaucus Employee        33,000
Latina, JodiCaucus Employee        72,450
Lawlor-Parker, EileenAssociate Legislative Attorney        66,073
Lederman, WilliamAssociate Legislative Analyst        86,191
Lee Jr., Walter E.Chief,Capitol Police Departmen        88,017
Legros, AlisonCaucus Employee        35,000
Lemieux Jr, JosephCaucus Employee        63,903
Liegeot, AdamCaucus Employee        81,765
Listro, DavidSenior ITS Analyst        89,329
Lockett, Dorian*Caucus Employee        20,000
Lohman, JudithAssistant Director, OLR      150,830
Lombardi, AnthonySenior Capitol Police Officer        63,420
Lopez, RosemarySenior Admin Service Coor        61,421
Lowndes, Mary Kate**Special Projects Coordinator        73,607
Luciano, Edelmira**Senior Legislative Secretary        53,858
Lynch, PeterCapitol Police Officer        55,462
MacDonald, DavidCaucus Employee        35,854
Macierowski, Jennifer ACaucus Employee      151,000
MacKenzie, HughCaucus Employee        87,518
Macunas, MatthewCaucus Employee        36,516
Magnan, MaureenCaucus Employee      110,000
Maher, StephenCaucus Employee        82,054
Makuc, Jaime JCaucus Employee        53,924
Maley, EdwinLegislative Commissioner        50,337
Mancinelli, TracyCaucus Employee        42,000
Marsh, Susan DManager (ITS)      113,521
Martin, SallyChief Legislative Attorney      143,648
Martinez, AnthonySecurity Technician        45,184
Martinez, GeraldoOffice Technician        39,997
Marzik, DawnCaucus Employee        82,598
Maselek, Debra A.Administrative Services Coor        67,325
Matthews, BarbaraBusiness Officer        64,022
Mauro Jr., VincentCaucus Employee        99,500
Mazzocca, D’Ann DExecutive Director      189,769
McAvoy, Mary KathrynCaucus Employee        58,344
McCarthy, KevinPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
McCarthy, ShannonSenior Legislative Attorney        84,756
McDermott, GaiaCaucus Employee        35,000
McGuire, Mary EllenStaff Assistant        57,911
McHugh, MaureenCaucus Employee        38,004
McKeen, AllisonAssociate Legislative Attorney        81,495
McKeone, Erik SITS Analyst        81,454
Melita, EnricoCaucus Employee      100,000
Merisotis, EmanuelCaucus Employee        57,678
Merritt, SchuylerCaucus Employee        35,000
Michael, EleanorCaucus Employee        75,000
Migneault, Deborah**Special Projects Coordinator        58,495
Miller, KristenAssociate Legislative Analyst        64,716
Miller, Linda L.Principal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Mohr, ChristinaAssociate Legislative Analyst        81,495
Mongillo, ArtCaucus Employee        47,856
Monteiro, VirginiaCaucus Employee        38,004
Moran, JohnPrincipal Legislative Analyst      109,928
Morin, DeborahSenior Legislative Secretary        38,994
Morin, TraceyExecutive Secretary        50,707
Mounds, LaurieCaucus Employee        61,510
Murphy, ThomasChief Legislative Analyst      113,253
Murphy, TimothyCapitol Police Officer        55,462
Murphy, ToddCaucus Employee        79,260
Murray, Katherine*Caucus Employee        63,945
Nadeau, LouiseSenior Legislative Attorney      120,362
Neal, Jr, KenCaucus Employee        40,000
Negron, AlbertoCaucus Employee        66,338
Niles, DawnCaucus Employee        68,600
Noble, Maria del PilarStaff Assistant        65,956
Noehren, Michelle L.Legislative Analyst II        62,527
Norman, GarySecurity Technician        45,184
Norman-Eady, SandraDirector,OLR      150,830
Norton, Robert**Special Projects Coordinator        78,849
O’Brien, DeanCaucus Employee        48,768
O’Brien, LeslieCaucus Employee      115,000
O’Connor, EricaCorporal        60,273
Olechowski, MarcinCaucus Employee        37,652
O’Neil, PatrickCaucus Employee        97,000
O’Neil, RyanSenior Legislative Secretary        53,442
O’Reilly, JohnCorporal        60,273
Orlando, JamesAssociate Legislative Analyst        78,739
O’Shea, WilliamChief Legislative Attorney      111,990
Otero, TraceySenior Admin Service Coor        70,010
Oyanadel, WernerActing Director      104,106
Padula, JenniferSenior Legislative Attorney        84,348
Palm, ChristineSpecial Projects Coordinator        73,606
Palmer, DianaCaucus Employee        36,000
Palmer, JonathanLegislative Analyst II        60,413
Palmer, StephenCaucus Employee        38,115
Pantoja, TanyaCaucus Employee        41,359
Papallo-Slepski, CynthiaExecutive Secretary        47,665
Parker, JamesCapitol Police Officer        56,987
Passaro, CaraCaucus Employee        53,000
Pennant, RyanITS Analyst        79,275
Perillo, ChristopherChief Legislative Analyst      111,990
Perillo, SarahAssociate Legislative Analyst        85,780
Perosino, LarryCaucus Employee        85,000
Phillips, JeanieCaucus Employee        39,248
Picano, MarcyAssociate Legislative Analyst        80,314
Pierre, Natasha M.Principal Legislative Analyst      102,619
Pinho, RuteAssociate Legislative Analyst        81,889
Pocock, ErikaCaucus Employee        33,000
Polun, Debra**Associate Legislative Analyst        90,356
Poudrier Jr., Robert A.Caucus Employee        97,708
Price, SusanSenior Legislative Attorney      113,774
Proto, JenniferAssociate Legislative Analyst        63,132
Puckett, OliviaCommittee Clerk        36,401
Pulsifer, DonnaITS Analyst        81,219
Putnam, Timothy W.Chief ITS Analyst      113,521
Quinn Jr, JosephCaucus Employee      172,425
Rappa, JohnChief Legislative Analyst      129,028
Rawling, DonaldCaucus Employee        37,500
Rehm, AngelaSenior Legislative Attorney      110,193
Reid, TerriCaucus Employee        38,004
Reinhart, ChristopherChief Legislative Attorney      120,042
Rell, Michael L.Caucus Employee        75,000
Rhude, KyleAssociate Legislative Analyst        84,347
Richards, GlenLieutenant        73,228
Richardson, KarenServices Officer        70,289
Riley, CliddieCaucus Employee        45,000
Roberts, JoChief Legislative Attorney      129,028
Ronan, PhoenixAssociate Legislative Analyst        62,830
Rose, CarrieAssociate Legislative Analyst        81,495
Rose, VeronicaChief Legislative Analyst      129,028
Rosen, JustinCaucus Employee        40,000
Roy, LisaCaucus Employee        57,500
Ruane, KevinCaucus Employee        40,000
Rudikoff, Joel ICaucus Employee      131,931
Russell, AnnaCaucus Employee        29,232
Ryan, E. RoseCaucus Employee        60,000
Saccente, KennethCaucus Employee        64,501
Salamone, PamelaCaucus Employee        35,000
Salemi, KathleenCaucus Employee        39,626
Salvio, KathleenCaucus Employee        35,000
Santiago, JacquelineCaucus Employee        42,066
Sato, KumiAssociate Legislative Attorney        78,739
Scalettar, EllenCaucus Employee      137,967
Schmitt, JaredCaucus Employee        90,000
Schuetz, Jason RCaucus Employee        55,000
Schweitzer, MarieCaucus Employee        60,000
Schyns, RogerChief ITS Analyst      113,521
Scola, MarilynSupv of File and Engrossing        81,125
Scott, ChristyCaucus Employee      115,000
Scricca, Francine PPayroll/Personnel Assistant        59,280
Segovia, ArmandoCorporal        63,085
Serrano, NancyLegislative Secretary        40,358
Severance, MarkJournal Clerk        60,182
Shannon, John WCaucus Employee      145,000
Shapiro, LarryDirector,LCO      167,228
Shaw, JeffreyCaucus Employee        40,000
Shea, KathleenCaucus Employee        34,894
Shepard, AlanPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Shepard, EmilyAssociate Legislative Analyst        82,676
Shonta, MichaelCalendar Clerk        56,244
Sidorak, SteveCaucus Employee        38,004
Silverman, PhyllisCaucus Employee        62,525
Simoneau, Scott MPrincipal Legislative Analyst      122,884
Simpson, RobertCaucus Employee        37,500
Sinatro, CurtisCorporal        58,517
Sinko, KellyCaucus Employee        53,000
Skehan, JenniferCaucus Employee        92,000
Skowera, AdamCaucus Employee        37,878
Slap, DerekCaucus Employee      149,500
Smith, Carla C.Caucus Employee        70,575
Smith, CherylManager (ITS)      113,521
Smith, ErinCaucus Employee        38,004
Smith, JemarCaucus Employee        38,004
Smullen, HaroldCaucus Employee        42,212
Somerville, TaylorCaucus Employee        40,711
Sorensen, JuliaCaucus Employee        42,500
Soudier, ThomasCapitol Police Officer        57,404
Spinella, KevinCaucus Employee        35,000
Spinella, ThomasCaucus Employee        42,834
Stark, JasonCaucus Employee        70,000
Starr, Julia Evans**Dir,Commission on Aging      119,823
Steuber, DavidCaucus Employee        40,000
Stevens, JanelleAssociate Legislative Analyst        81,495
Stewart, ErinCaucus Employee        34,155
Storm, JoshuaCaucus Employee        50,510
Strand, CarlCaucus Employee        34,894
Stroman, TangySenior Legislative Secretary        48,603
Sullivan, KristinPrincipal Legislative Analyst        99,149
Sundie, BryanCaucus Employee        55,000
Sylvester, JonathanSergeant        63,287
Taff, RichardChief Legislative Attorney      143,648
Tamburro, James E.Training&Staff Dvlpmnt Coor      113,521
Tarbox, PaulCaucus Employee        36,032
Terrell, VickeySenior Executive Secretary        52,760
Thomas, KyleCaucus Employee        38,004
Toohey, PamelaCaucus Employee        40,710
Torres-Ferguson, MildredCaucus Employee      110,000
Towbin, Linda M.Caucus Employee        71,355
Towson, BradfordSenior Legislative Attorney      102,619
Tracy, James P.Personnel Administrator      143,648
Tranter, Todd N.Capitol Police Officer        51,269
Trestman, JodyCaucus Employee        35,000
Trudel, DavidSecurity Technician        45,184
Tsarkov, AlexCaucus Employee        36,440
Turco, GaryCaucus Employee        52,237
Uhlinger, DanielCaucus Employee        45,000
Upton, Jill W.Statute Revision Specialist II        71,981
Urso, MaureenCaucus Employee        47,000
Utter, RandaCaucus Employee        68,671
Vaccaro, JeffreyCapitol Police Officer        56,987
Vamos, JohnCaucus Employee        48,000
Vecchitto, JohnCaucus Employee        63,704
Velez, DavidCaucus Employee        50,000
Vibert, CarrieDirector,PR&I      168,045
Walker, Andrea MPrincipal Legislative Analyst      102,619
Walker, LanekaCaucus Employee        55,435
Walker, Michele RCaucus Employee        53,444
Waters, BethPayroll/Personnel Assistant        47,564
Weidlich, AmySenior Legislative Secretary        40,944
Weisselberg, SusanCaucus Employee      135,000
Welch, RachelAssociate Legislative Analyst        78,739
Westerberg, EmilyCaucus Employee        55,000
Wetzel, ChristopherAssociate Legislative Analyst        78,739
Whiting, DouglasCaucus Employee      165,000
Wilde, MarkCaucus Employee        40,000
Wilkinson, TylerCaucus Employee        40,000
Williams, David J.Caucus Employee        55,000
Williams, HollyLegislative Analyst II        60,413
Wojcik, JoshuaCaucus Employee        52,500
Wolf, Timothy D.Caucus Employee      105,470
Wolfe, RyanCaucus Employee        40,000
Woodcock, G. Andrew*Caucus Employee        37,050
Wright, GregoryCapitol Police Officer        58,983
Wysock, LaurieSenior Executive Secretary        67,604
Wysock, Robert J.Chief Legislative Analyst      142,739
Younger, TeresaDirector,Comm on Status of Wom      108,263
Zaniewski, JamesCapitol Police Officer        59,126
Zaugg, Lisa W.*Staff Assistant        44,460
Zavagnin, ChrisCaucus Employee        38,000
Zelaya, CiroCaucus Employee        37,685
Zengel, KeithSergeant        62,951
Zimmerman, Elaine**Director,Commission on Childre      131,338
**This salary represents payment for a full 40 hour workweek.  However, due to 
agency budget cuts, this employee has reduced their pay by utilizing the voluntary
leave and schedule reduction program.

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